WEB Invoice Alert (WIA)

Quickly Review: Reported Invoice Discrepancies

EDI transactions are essential to Finance; the Order to Cash management process. The WEB Invoice Alert generates alerts for Mismatch Price, Mismatch Quantity and Missing 895's; acceptance of the delivery. This report is almost real-time and eliminates the need to manually review customer DSD's. The Invoice Alert effectively and efficiently processes the large number of expected discrepancies daily, therefore, delivering a proactive approach to resolve disputed invoices and improve our overall customer service.

The Solution

WEB Invoice Alert is a web based solution that automates the discrepancy analysis process and replaces the manual review of customer DSD's.


The WEB Invoice Alerts allows the Order to Cash Team timely verification of transmitted (e) documents and provides the company with customer reported discrepancies that may cause payment adjustments. Previously reported discrepancies took weeks to resolve. The application also provides security features such as an audit trail to give users visibility into the discrepancy resolution process and maintains secure access to the data through the use of a secure unified user profile.